Smart Directory - Laravel Business Directory PHPSmart Directory - Laravel Business Directory PHP
One of the best business directories php script developed with most advanced Technologies Average rating of 4.2 based on 5 votesSmart Directory - Laravel Business Directory PHP
One of the best business directories php script developed with most advanced Technologies Average rating of 4.2Overview
One of the best business directories php script developed with most advanced Laravel 9. This Script is simple and easy to use. It has lot of good features. It helps the business owners to list their business with detailed information. It has a wonderful service section, Product Section and Gallery. It also has User Review.
This script is designed with Laravel9 and React with Inertia. One of the most advanced Technology. With the Advanced User Dashboard, you can manage all your listings, reviews and other Information’s. It also has a most advanced Admin Panel with the admin panel you can manage all the Users, Listings, Category, City etc.
With the Pricing option You can easily Collect your payments. You can create your Owen packages and start collection your payments. This Laravel Business Directory PHP Script is developed with most advanced technologies. We also provide free installation guide and support
update Note
- version 1.2.0
- Razor Pay Payment Gateway added
- New UI Interface Added for Payment Gateway
- Bug Fixes
Install in Both Shared Hosting and Cloud Hosting
Free Installation Guide and Support
- Designed with bootstrap 5
- SCSS is used for style sheet
- Build on top of most advanced Laravel 9 Framework
- Easy to use layouts
- React is used to develop in Admin panel
- SEO Friendly
- Fully Dynamic, Change every ting from Admin panel
- Support Multiple Current
- Easy to Use Admin Layout
- User Dashboard with Advanced Features
- Email Notification for Messages
- Advanced Business Detail Page
- Pricing with Multiple Package Available
PHP 8.0 or Higher Required
Apache or Nginx Web Server
cPanel Installation Guide
- Upload the code to your domain or subdomain folder. Please note the app is designed to run on domain or subdomain and not by sub directory link
- If you want to install on sub directory additional steps needed. (For Help you can contct Us)
- Please create database and database user. Update the .env file with the DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD values and check the database connection status.
- Import all the database tables required for the app
- Update APP_ENV value as production and APP_DEBUG value as false on the .env file
- Make sure your storage/ and bootstrap/cache folders are writable (give 775 permission)
- Create a symbolic link of the storage/ folder by going to this link : http://your-app-link /add_storage_link
- Go to your domain. Done, app is installed successfully!
Composer Installation Guide
- Upload All Files to domain or subdomain folder (Please make sure composer is installed)
- Run Composer install Command
- Please create database and database user. Update the .env file with the DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD values and check the database connection status.
- Run php artisan migrate command (IF you want to add demo data also run the command php artisan db:seed)
- Make sure your storage/ and bootstrap/cache folders are writable (give 775 permission)
- Create a Symbolic link to the storage folder by running the command php artisan storage:link
- Go to your domain. Done, app is installed successfully!