Image Converter PHP ScriptImage Converter PHP Script
A simple online image converter built with PHP that allows to convert different image formats. Average rating of 5.0 based on 23 votesImage Converter PHP Script
A simple online image converter built with PHP that allows to convert different image formats. Average rating of 5.0Overview
This free online image converter converts from BMP, DDS, DIB, DJVU, GIF, HEIC, ICNS, ICO, JP2, JPE, JPEG, PNG, PSD, RAW, SVG, TIFF, TGA, and WEBP to AI, BMP, GIF, HEIC, ICO, JPEG, PDF, PNG, PSD, SVG, TIFF, and WEBP. The upload size has been limited to 8MB per image for now.
Older images are deleted from the server on each new upload or after 1 hour from the last upload.
Change Log:
Update # 1.2.0 (2023/02/12)
This is a major update with many improvements: 1. An admin dashboard for easy customization 2. Bulk upload: now you can upload and convert up to 10 images at once 3. Three image formats added: ICO, PDF, and HEIC 4. The DATA-URL format has been removed 5. Three ad spots for your ads 6. PHP updated from 7.4 to 8.0+ With this a new update a lot of customization have been moved to the dashboard. You can now edit pages content, meta tags, Google analytics code, styles, and more. I hope you ejoy this new update as I enjoyed making it
Update # 1.0.2 (2022/09/05)
- 5 new pages added: About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, TOS, and Disclaimer - Contact form uses Gmail SMTP - updated documentation documentation - bug fixes and code optimization
Update # 1.0.1 (2022/08/21)
- fixed: "The use statement with non-compound name 'RuntimeException' has no effect in Common.php on line 18" - the app can now be installed in domain subfolders: "" - better documentation - bug fixes and code optimization
# 1.0.0 (2022/08/08)
- First release
- Admin panel
- Laravel 9
- PHP 8.0
- Lightweight
- bootstrap 5
- Can convert to AI, BMP, GIF, HEIC, ICO, JPEG, PDF, PNG, PSD, SVG, TIFF, and WEBP
- No Coding skills are needed
- No use of database It works perfectly on a shared server which means no VPS/dedicated server is needed
- Fully optimized for mobile, desktop, or tablet
- Tested on CheapNames and Hostinger shared hosting
You can check the admin panel from: https://imageconverter.codingt...
Userneme: admin
Password: 123456
- PHP version 8.0 or higher.
- Apache server.
The following PHP extensions should be installed and
- Ctype
- cURL
- Fileinfo
- Filter
- Hash
- Mbstring
- OpenSSL
- Session
- Tokenizer
- Imagick
These files and folders must be writable:
+ /public_html
+ laravel/config/settings.php
+ laravel/lang
+ laravel/.env -
If you are using a VPS, you may need some third party libraries:
+ WEBP : Requires the WEBP delegate library (
+ HEIC : Requires the libheif delegate library (
Installation guide is included in the documentation
Could you consider to add support for AVIF and SVG too?